Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Shih Tzus I've known, a Beautiful Combination of Love & Loyalty

This little doll, 1 year old Valentina, was to mother two beautiful
litters of tiny loving gems for four other lucky dog lovers.
Tiny Rio served as the group organizer and fathered a few gentle blue beauties, like himself.
Thalia, an extremely high bred Champion-line sweetheart,was as much a
tomboy running through the snowdrifts as our West Highland Terrior.
The most attentive and loving mama shih tzu, Bella never had a cross
word to say about our petting her little ones.
This tiny pup, 8-week-old Bella, became a mama herself (above).
You might not be able to see it in these eyes, but she is full of cuddle and mischief. 
If there is the tiniest crumb somewhere on a table top, 
she will find it--and she won't let you be until you fork it over! 

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