Monday, July 18, 2016

Losing Weight After 50--it's Not Just for Breakfast Anymore!

Possibly second only in popularity to the perma-drone of political yapping comes the topic of WEIGHT LOSS. It's such a challenge and seems to give rise to struggle particularly for certain body types, gender-specific ages, and even professions and geographic locations. You've heard it all; get moving, cut out carbs, carbs are good, go protein, drown yourself in water, sleep longer, sleep less, drink coffee, don't drink coffee--and not that all of these various pieces of advice don't have merit within their certain sectors, because they do. 
But winning advice for the over-50 crowd, particularly of post- or Peri-menopausal ladies, has always been hard to come by. I can't tell you how many middle-aged ladies I know who have tried the mail order food diets, special shakes, weigh-in companies, counting companies, step-counting efforts who say that it's never possible to maintain any of the weight they lose--if they lose at all. 

Believe or not, I actually have the answer.  

It costs nothing, saves you money actually. It does not require exercise or ANY kind other than willpower, which grows with practice--and quite rapidly. It also involves no counting or special foods. A long time ago, a smart woman told me that a person loses weight because his or her metabolism is fast, or at least fast enough to burn up what is taken in. She mentioned how easy it was for younger people to drop pounds. But she didn't quite get how it all happened--or maybe she didn't and I didn't listen well enough back then. But more recently I heard how you make that metabolism--no matter what your age--get into the fast lane. It's very simple. Eat dinner, and then stop for the night. 

If you eat at 6 and finish by 7, don't have another thing, except water, for 12 to 14 hours, so 7 to 9:00 am the following morning. Ladies and Gentlemen, it works! If you're weight conscious, you already know not to overdo it with breads and sweets, fried foods or just too much food. And continue to watch--don't count, just watch. And spend a couple of days NOT eating after dinner. It's hard at first because most of us do. But try it, and the scale will be somebody you want to see in the morning!

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