Sunday, July 17, 2016

Edit & Co Moves On

You Have to Start Somewhere

When you're lucky enough, through your friendships with others, to meet and reach a representation agreement with a New York agent, you feel a strong sense of gratitude and a truly great thrill. Of course it would have meant even more if Mr. Markel had lived long enough to make a connection or two. But one thing that dear man did for me before he passed on was to introduce my editing skills to some of the houses in NY when freelance editors were just becoming "the thing." What a kick it was to receive packages in the mail from Macmillan Reference, a real publisher, that I was to edit or proofread. From there, I added other clients, and even journeyed into the wild world of ghostwriting. But as times and tastes change, and more to the point, the Internet came to life, the need for writing usurped the need for editing. And just how long does a secretly creative person stay on writing books under someone else's name? The answer is--as long as she has to make a living! So while the Edit & Co sign is still alive and crackling over my desk in the wide glass window, I'll be adding some of my own creations to the mix, some purely for your benefit and some even for sale. We'll move on together, Edit & Co and I, and hope to be able to provide the joint service to you of clean copy with even a few good reads.

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