Thursday, January 26, 2017

A Great Time for a Leisurely Journey

When was the last time you were on a train? The New Jersey Transit System and Amtrak travel are a wonderful way to take in beautiful eastern sites. Unlike air travel, passengers on a train hoist their own luggage, but there it stays, and once aboard, one need not depart, change gates, watch for turbulence, or wait for the luggage return.

But the greatest part about a train journey is the journey itself. Watching through the large plated glass is mesmerizing. Winter time offers a view of those seldom or never visited scenes in true Americana. As they fly by in afternoon, with a setting sun, or as sun rises just after dawn, we remember the beauty and magnitude of our bright and glorious country.  Why not stop off for a trip to Philly or even down to Richmond, Virginia--and back!

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